Option one-On Zoom
Table of contents
Module 1. Introduction to Food Safety and GIS
Module 2, GIS Software
Module 3. Map Making and Map Projections
Module 4. Data Types in GIS
Module 5. Sources of GIS Data
Module 6. Creating Geospatial Data
Module 7. GIS, GPS and Food Safety
Module 8. GIS and Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI)
Module 9. Geospatial Data Analysis and Management
Module 10. Rater Data Analysis
Module 11. Vector Data Analysis
Module 12. Web Mapping
Module 13. Geoprocessing
Module 14. FDA Tech-based Traceability Rule and GIS
Module 15. The FDA New Era of Smarter Food Safety and GIS
Module 16. FDA Produce Safety Rule and GIS
Module 17. FDA and USDA Seafood Safety and GIS
Module 18. FDA and USDA Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Food Safety and GIS (GeoAI)
Module 19. FDA Human Food Rule and GIS
Module 20. FDA Animal Food Rule and GIS
Module 21. FDA Imported Foods Rule and GIS
Module 22. FDA Food Defense and GIS
Module 23. FDA Food Transportation Rule and GIS
Module 24. State and Local Governments and GIS
Module 25. Prerequisite Programs
Module 26. Preliminary Steps
Module 27. The First Principle of HACCP – Conduct a Hazard Analysis
Module 28. The Second Principle of HACCP – Identify Critical Control Points
Module 29. The Third Principle of HACCP – Determine Critical Limits
Module 30. The Fourth Principle of HACCP – Establish Monitoring Procedures
Module 31. The Fifth Principle of HACCP – Establish Corrective Action Procedures
Module 32 – The Sixth Principle of HACCP – Establish Verification Procedures
Module 33- The Seventh Principle of HACCP – Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures
Module 34. The Implementation and Maintenance of HACCP Plans and HACCP Systems
Module 20. Resources

Option two – Self-Paced – To be completed in 60 days
Table of contents
Module 1. Introduction to Food Safety and GIS
Module 2, GIS Software
Module 3. Map Making and Map Projections
Module 4. Data Types in GIS
Module 5. Sources of GIS Data
Module 6. Creating Geospatial Data
Module 7. GIS, GPS and Food Safety
Module 8. GIS and Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI)
Module 9. Geospatial Data Analysis and Management
Module 10. Rater Data Analysis
Module 11. Vector Data Analysis
Module 12. Web Mapping
Module 13. Geoprocessing
Module 14. FDA Tech-based Traceability Rule and GIS
Module 15. The FDA New Era of Smarter Food Safety and GIS
Module 16. FDA Produce Safety Rule and GIS
Module 17. FDA and USDA Seafood Safety and GIS
Module 18. FDA and USDA Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Food Safety and GIS (GeoAI)
Module 19. FDA Human Food Rule and GIS
Module 20. FDA Animal Food Rule and GIS
Module 21. FDA Imported Foods Rule and GIS
Module 22. FDA Food Defense and GIS
Module 23. FDA Food Transportation Rule and GIS
Module 24. State and Local Governments and GIS
Module 25. Prerequisite Programs
Module 26. Preliminary Steps
Module 27. The First Principle of HACCP – Conduct a Hazard Analysis
Module 28. The Second Principle of HACCP – Identify Critical Control Points
Module 29. The Third Principle of HACCP – Determine Critical Limits
Module 30. The Fourth Principle of HACCP – Establish Monitoring Procedures
Module 31. The Fifth Principle of HACCP – Establish Corrective Action Procedures
Module 32 – The Sixth Principle of HACCP – Establish Verification Procedures
Module 33- The Seventh Principle of HACCP – Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures
Module 34. The Implementation and Maintenance of HACCP Plans and HACCP Systems
Module 20. Resources

Option three – Onsite
Table of contents
Module 1. Introduction to Food Safety and GIS
Module 2, GIS Software
Module 3. Map Making and Map Projections
Module 4. Data Types in GIS
Module 5. Sources of GIS Data
Module 6. Creating Geospatial Data
Module 7. GIS, GPS and Food Safety
Module 8. GIS and Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI)
Module 9. Geospatial Data Analysis and Management
Module 10. Rater Data Analysis
Module 11. Vector Data Analysis
Module 12. Web Mapping
Module 13. Geoprocessing
Module 14. FDA Tech-based Traceability Rule and GIS
Module 15. The FDA New Era of Smarter Food Safety and GIS
Module 16. FDA Produce Safety Rule and GIS
Module 17. FDA and USDA Seafood Safety and GIS
Module 18. FDA and USDA Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Food Safety and GIS (GeoAI)
Module 19. FDA Human Food Rule and GIS
Module 20. FDA Animal Food Rule and GIS
Module 21. FDA Imported Foods Rule and GIS
Module 22. FDA Food Defense and GIS
Module 23. FDA Food Transportation Rule and GIS
Module 24. State and Local Governments and GIS
Module 25. Prerequisite Programs
Module 26. Preliminary Steps
Module 27. The First Principle of HACCP – Conduct a Hazard Analysis
Module 28. The Second Principle of HACCP – Identify Critical Control Points
Module 29. The Third Principle of HACCP – Determine Critical Limits
Module 30. The Fourth Principle of HACCP – Establish Monitoring Procedures
Module 31. The Fifth Principle of HACCP – Establish Corrective Action Procedures
Module 32 – The Sixth Principle of HACCP – Establish Verification Procedures
Module 33- The Seventh Principle of HACCP – Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures
Module 34. The Implementation and Maintenance of HACCP Plans and HACCP Systems
Module 20. Resources
The FDA New Era of Smarter Food Safety in July of 2020 outlined “achievable goals to enhance traceability, improve predictive analytics, respond more rapidly to outbreaks, address new business models, reduce contamination of food, and foster the development of stronger food safety cultures”. The surface, subsurface and above the surface of the earth is covered and filled by billions of natural and constructed features, boundaries and phenomena. The information about the location as well as other attributes of these features are crucial to public health protection in general and food protection in particular. Over eighty percent of all data such as pandemics, epidemics, foodborne illness outbreaks, environmental pathogens, flood, earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters have some geospatial components. The term spatial, geographic, or geospatial data is used interchangeably for the kind of data that has both locational information as well as other attributes. This course is part of a series of courses developed by the Institute and designed to meet the goals of FDA’s New Era by providing information about the applications of GeoAI, Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) science and software, GPS, Quantum GIS(QGIS) in food safety, quality, security, defense, traceability and authenticity from farm to table. The combination of GIS, GPS, the Internet of Things (IOT), big data, cloud computing, computer vision, biosensors chemo-sensors, smartphones, blockchain, dataloggers, remote sensing and drones are powerful tools that can be used as predictive and preventive tools to dramatically reduce the number of illnesses and deaths associated with contaminated food, both national and globally.